How to Start An Online Writing Business? (in 8-Steps)

From scratch and with zero experience

Ranveer Mohite
4 min readJan 28, 2022
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Starting an online writing business can fill you up with many questions:

Where to start from?
How to showcase your services?
What about rates?
What skills you need?

…and many other doubts. Let me give you a simple framework to help you get started in this.

Let’s cut to the chase:

1. Create a portfolio

For a moment, imagine you are hiring a writer for a role. You receive 2 applications.

  • Candidate 1 tells you they can write.
  • Candidate 2 shows you some of their writing samples.

Which candidate are you likely to hire?

Probably 2nd, right?

That’s why having a portfolio is so important. It backs up your words with evidence.

You can create your portfolio on your own website or platforms like Medium and LinkedIn.

2. Learn about basic SEO

The knowledge of SEO is super-important especially if you want to get started in this field!

And let me tell you, getting started in SEO is super easy even if the name sounds complex.

For writers, the most important thing is how to use keywords in their content. There are many great resources to learn about SEO. I suggest you read Neil Patel and Backlinko’s blogs to get a basic understanding of this.

You need no coding experience.
It can take you just a week to get a good grasp of the basics.

3. Create a base rate

A base rate is the minimum rate you are ready to work for.

You don’t want to keep your rates too low due to which it could become difficult to raise them later.

At the same time, you don’t want them to be too high.

It’s difficult to give you a precise number here because it depends on your existing skills, your expertise among many other factors.

A good way to determine this is by asking someone who’s already in this field. They could give you a fair number.

4. Let your friends know about it

Sharing with your friends about your new venture can be intimidating. But it can be one of the fastest ways to land a paying gig.

When I shared my site for the first-time, in a week’s time I had landed 2 potential gigs.

You never know someone in your close circle might be looking for your skills.

5. Build a long-term strategy on social media to market your services

In general, LinkedIn and Facebook are one of the best ways to establish your online presense.

But it depends on your niche too.

For example if you are in the beauty and fashion space, long-form posts on Instagram might be a better fit for you.

But if you are unclear of the niche, Linkedin is the best platform to get started. Afterall, it’s a place where people go to do business.

Please remember that social media is a long-term game. You need to be consistent. If you’re just starting out, it might be hard to get work from here.

The magic happens when you stick around long enough.

6. Do great work. Overdeliver!

This is the most important thing to build something that will sustain for a long long time!

Product is everything.

It’s the key to gaining trust.
It’s the key to do more business.

This holds true especially in the beginning stage where you start with a zero reputation balance.

You build a repuation with good work.

7. Collect the Right Testimonials

Tomorrow if John Doe from Default Company Name tells me you have great writing skills, I wouldn’t trust.

But if Jacob from small-sized S.K Media Group recommends your service, I’ll give it shot.

I have met John Doe on my PC. He often takes my name on computer files. I know he most likely isn’t real(unless that’s someone’s actual name — my sincere apologies).

My point is that you need real testimonials from real people. Sometimes, it might be worth doing a project at a lower rate to get that testimonial and build trust.

8. Keep Learning

Last but not the least always keep learning. Today there are so many places where a business needs great content.

The demand is only growing with every passing day.

And you’ll always have to learn more things to open new aveneues.

Be it SEO, Ads, ,Vlogging, Social media, Podcasts, etc.

Use Google, ask other smart individuals and keep leveling up!

Wish you all the best on your new venture!



Ranveer Mohite

Hello there! I’m a chess content writer. Here I write on a wide range of topics, from chess, online writing, etc. Connect with me at