4 Actionable Steps to Practice Gratitude in 2021

In the post-Covid world where people are more active on social media.

Ranveer Mohite
2 min readFeb 8, 2021
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Everybody reminds you how gratitude can change your life. If you’re reading this, I hope you’re already convinced about the benefits of gratitude. In this short guide, I’m going to share 4 actionable ways you can implement gratitude in 2021.

1. Say Thank You

What’s the best way to be grateful than to simply say it? The simple act of saying “thank you” makes people feel very special. Think of the last time you thanked someone. Did it bring a little smile on your face? When you say thank you, you make someone feel appreciated and valued. But apart from that, it will also bring a smile on your face and make you feel good about yourself. It’s a good way to build a two-way relationship.

2. Tweet or tag them

This one is born out of the age of social media. It’s a true fit for 2021. One of the best ways to catch someone’s attention today, is by tweeting or tagging them. And if you share a post where you thank someone for the impact they’ve made on your life, it’ll make the other person feel special. This also works with celebrities. You may not get a reply always. That’s not the main aim though.

Your aim is to be thankful for the other person’s impact on your life, not to do a publicity stunt. So just tweet or tag the person you’re grateful for.

3. Create a Gratitude box

If you’re super-busy and don’t have time to write in a journal, a gratitude box can help. A gratitude can be a daily reminder to practice gratitude. I have a DIY idea for you to create a gratitude box. Take any old box of cardboard and write in bold with a marker — GRATITUDE BOX. Simple right? I first saw the idea of a gratitude box, when an Armenian grandmaster was practicing it. He used a better box though :-). But it turns out, it’s remarkably powerful way to be grateful.

4. Show a thumbs up

We’re living in the post-COVID world and half of the population is wearing masks. So if you smile, not a lot of people will see your beautiful smile. In that case, show a thumbs up to the person. Simple, you keep your mask on and nobody’s at risk. You’ll also make the other person feel more valued.


I hope these 4 strategies will help you practice gratitude in 2021. Remember you won’t get anything out of this article, if you don’t practice them.

No matter how busy you are, take the time out to be thankful for all the blessings in life. You’ll feel happier.



Ranveer Mohite

Hello there! I’m a chess content writer. Here I write on a wide range of topics, from chess, online writing, etc. Connect with me at https://ranveermohite.com